Flight ticket refund policies

Know more about refundable and non-refundable tickets

It is highly suggested that before you book a flight ticket, it is always wise to know whether your ticket is refundable or not; If in case you cancel your ticket, how much you will get in return is equally important. Because, once you are aware, it eventually will save you from unfavorable situations where you may be spending too much or your rides are getting overpriced.

Let’s look at the cancellation charges of top Indian domestic flights:


Vistara Airlines


Air India Express

Air India Express



Indigo Fee



If you wish to change any of the details of your booking e.g. date and time or cancellation of your booking, you must inform it at least 2 hours prior to scheduled departure of your flight. With effect from 7th April 2016, on all domestic sectors any change made to the booking will attract a fee of INR 2250 per passenger one way per change. With effect from 1st November 2017, on all domestic sectors cancellation of a booking will attract a fee of INR 3000 per person one way . Any difference in fare will be charged additionally as applicable. Changes/ Cancellation to your booking can be done at our Reservations or at any of our SpiceJet's Airport Sale Centers or online through the SpiceJet site. Change / Cancellation within 2 hours of departure or failure to check-in for a SpiceJet flight at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time will result in the forfeiture of the fare. All fees are subject to change without prior notice. All promo/sale fares are refundable (only statutory taxes). Changes are permitted at regular charges.


Go Air

Go Smart


Booking through Travel Agents?

If yes, do you know that they also have their cancellation charges? Let’s look at all of them one by one.

Akbar Travels

Cancellations to bookings may be made upto two (2) hours prior to the scheduled departure time for a fee of Rs. 1000 per person, plus Rs. 300/- akbartravels service charge per person per sector per event. The balance of the original booking amount will be retained in a credit shell for a period of 6 months where the passenger may use it as payment towards future travel. This fee is subject to change without notice. In case of cancellation of a booking, made by a Go channel partner, refund has to be collected from that respective Go Channel.


Go ibibo

Goibibo cancellation charges: In addition to the airline cancellation charges, Goibibo will charge Rs 300 per passenger per sector for each cancellation.

Only cancellation requests made online or telephonic or email (For emails travel date must be more than 48 Hrs) through our customer support shall be entertained. Goibibo shall not be liable to entertain any cancellation requests made through any other medium.



You can cancel your domestic flight bookings online. Log in to My Bookings, select the relevant booking and click on the Cancel button. For online cancellation, Yatra will charge Rs. 400 per person per sector as standard cancellation charges.

To amend/cancel your ticket offline, call Yatra Customer Care. For all offline cancellation of domestic flights a standard charge of Rs. 1250 per person per sector, over and above the airline's own cancellation charge will apply. For international flight bookings a standard fee of Rs 1250 per person would be charged for online cancellation and 2250 for any offline cancellation, over and above the airline's own cancellation charge. For rescheduling of domestic flights, Yatra will charge Rs. 400 per person per sector as standard rescheduling charges. For no-show on domestic flights, Yatra will charge Rs. 100 per person per sector as standard no-show charges.


Clear Trip

For example : Booking amount is Rs.7500, Airline Cancellation Fee is Rs. 2500 and Cleartrip Cancellation Fee is Rs..250. Refund as per Airline cancellation policy will be Rs.4750. This amount will be credited into the payment mode chosen by customer. Refund as per Free Cancellation cover - 2500+250 = Rs.2750; This will be credited ONLY into the Cleartrip Wallet. Maximum cancellation cover is Rs.3000 in One Way flights and Rs.6000 in Round Trip flights per pax.


Make My Trip

Refunds will be processed as per the airline fare rules and cancellation policy. Such refunds shall be subject to MMT receiving the same from the airlines. However, the convenience fee paid to MMT paid at the time of booking is a non-refundable fee. All cancellations made directly with the airline need to be intimated to MMT, in order to initiate the process of refund. The processing time for refunds may vary depending on the mode of payment, bank etc. The refund shall be processed after deducting the MMT service fee which is independent of the convenience fee as mentioned above. The refund will be credited to the same account from which the payment was made. For example, if the User used a credit card, MMT will make an appropriate charge reversal to the same credit card; like-wise if the User used a debit card, MMT will credit the money to the same debit card. In the event of cancellation and refund of partially utilized tickets, upfront discount and promo code discount availed at the time of booking would be deducted from the refund amount.
